Friday, March 1, 2013

The Nosh Fresh Experiment

I am sick and tired of being SICK and Tired!!  So, I have decided to do something about it.  Recently I watched several documentaries and have read articles and a couple of books about the new Green Smoothie way of life.  The benefits that are reported are amazing.  To be honest, they seem a little too good to be true.  But, I am willing to give it a challenge.  I am embarking on ‘The Nosh Fresh Experiment.’  For three months I will consume Green Smoothies and clean whole foods.  I will not drink any soda, and will limit my coffee intake.  I want to see if the lauded benefits of noshing Green Smoothies is true, or it just the hype of a new food craze sweeping through.  I want to see if any of the aliments that I now have disappear.  The picture to the left was taken about 7 months before we were married in 2009.

Currently I take meds for high blood pressure and hypothyroidism.  I also suffer from allergies and chronic sinus issues, and have KP (keratosis pilaris) on my arms.  I do not like to wear short sleeves because I am self-conscious of it.  Also, due to many reasons (some which I am sure are also excuses) I have packed on 75 pounds since I was married in May 2009.  During this process I felt tired all the time.  I would call it ‘liquid tired’ because when I woke up in the morning I felt like I could literally be ‘poured’  back into bed and sleep all day, and that would not enough sleep.  Little did I know that I was suffering from sleep apnea, and probably had been for 3 – 4 years?  The doctor told me that I was literally sleep deprived.  I now use a breathing machine at night.  And though I rest better, I know that my health can be better.
There was a time in my life that I LOVED to workout.  I mean I would go to the gym for two hours at least 4 days a week.  I would do an hour of cardio and an hour of strength training, with alternating days called a ‘butt and guts’ class.  I went, I sweat, I hurt, and I loved it.  Even then I could not really get thinner than about a 12/14 jean size.  No matter what I was doing, it would not come off.  My thyroid was probably under active then and I just didn’t know it.  Thinking of where I once was, and long road ahead to get back there is overwhelming, depressing, and almost seems impossible.  But…I am SICK and TIRED of being SICK and TIRED!!!  So, let the experiment begin today!
I have enlisted the help of my husband Mike, who has an amazing metabolism.  I hope that someday when we have kids they get his metabolism.  The picture to the left is the most current.  Mike is going to work out with me each day, and keep me accountable in drinking between 1 – 2 quarts of Green Smoothie a day.  From what I have read noshing on Green Smoothies each day all day keeps you feeling full and satisfied.  (We will see…)  I hope that I learn to love working out again, I miss a part of who I was back then.
So, I will be checking in time to time each week updating you during the next three months.  I want to keep you posted and up to date during my journey.  Maybe you will decide to journey with me.  Maybe you have already made the journey and you will offer up support and counsel.  I will post pictures, possibly videos, and my favorite recipes.  I will also share with anyone who asks the various resources that I have collected to assist me on this journey.  Just email me if you have questions, comments, recipes of your own, etc.
Check back soon,

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